Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Whole Person Concept

You may join the USMC if you only have one non serious felony with a waiver, if you can manage to get one from someone who is more derserving of the waiver. (Only a certain number of waivers are granted each year)

As with the other services, the United States Marine Corps and United States Navy screen applicants for "moral qualifications" (criminal history). This is done:

a. To prevent enlistment of persons whose social habits, such as theft, arson, resistance to authority, etc., are a threat to unit moral and cohesiveness.

b. To screen out persons who would likely become serious disciplinary problems in the Navy and Marine Corps, and who would consequently divert resources from the performance of military missions.

c. To ensure enlistees and their parents that the enlistee will not be thrown into close association with criminals.

Applicants with no criminal convictions, fines, or periods of restraint are morally eligible for enlistment. However, the voluntary disclosure, or recruiter discovery, of any form of police/criminal involvement by an applicant may require waiver of the moral disqualification.

It's important to note here that federal law requires applicants to divulge ALL criminal history on recruiting applications, including expunged, sealed, or juvenile records. Additionally, in most states, such records are accessible to military investigators, regardless of what you have heard to the contrary.

The process begins with an interview by the Recruiter, asking the applicant about any records of arrest, charges, juvenile court adjudications, traffic violations, probation periods, dismissed or pending charges or convictions, including those which have been expunged or sealed. Providing false information, or withholding required information is a federal offense, and individuals may be tried by Federal, civilian, or Military Court. 

If the applicant admits to an offense, or the recruiter has reason to believe the applicant is concealing an offense, or a record is indicated during the Entrance National Agency Check (ENAC), then the recruiter will request a complete criminal record from local law enforcement agencies.

Some offenses can be waived, and others cannot. Different offenses require waiver approval at different levels in the recruiting chain-of-command.

It's important to note that applicants who require a waiver ARE NOT qualified for enlistment, unless/until a waiver is approved. The burden is on the applicant to prove to waiver authorities that they have overcome their disqualifications for enlistment, and that their acceptance would be in the best interests of the Military. Waiver authorities will consider the "whole person" concept when considering waiver applications.

In general, waivers are required for:
Five to Nine minor traffic offenses.
Two to five more serious traffic offenses.
Two or more Class 1 minor non-traffic offenses.
Two to Nine Class 2 minor non-traffic offenses.
Two to five serious offenses.
One felony.

Individuals with ten or more minor traffic offenses, six or more serious traffic offenses, ten or more Class 2 minor non-traffic offenses, six or more serious non-traffic offenses, or more than one felony are not eligible for a waiver.
Just a note, this was a copypasta. (Tons easier to put this into someone else's more articulate words) And, I'm sure this guy copypasta'd from someone else! lol. Pretty much though... If you're a good person, who made some dumb mistakes in the past... talk to a recruiter, let him see what kind of person you really are. If you're a good guy/girl, he'll see it, and work toward getting you waivers, or be up front and honest with out about your ineligibility. But remember, the armed forces are completely a volunteer force, and you're not going to get in in lieu of serving time in jail, or getting off of probation. Clean yourself up, live an honest life, and then give the Marines your best shot, Ooh rah?


  1. One of my friends got a dui half way through PT. Felt bad but ya know, bad decisions render bad results.

  2. quite interesting!

    you follow me:
    and I will return the favor ;)

  3. @toto already following ya buddy. :D love the drawing btw. hope to see some new content soon!

  4. great info.. following for sure..

    clicked & followed... hit me back

  5. good info although I would never join the Marines.
